Biofuel Center (BRIDC)

Biofuel Center (BRIDC)

Mandya District Biofuel Research, Information & Demonstration Centre (BRIDC) was established on 20.06.2012, in association with Karnataka State Bioenergy Development Board, (KSBDB), Government of Karnataka, Bangalore. Karnataka State Bioenergy Development Board issued a grant of about Rs. 45 lakhs to the centre with Dr. L.Prasanna Kumar, Professor and Head, Department of Geology as the first Project coordinator.

  • Procurement of pongamia and neem seeds from the farmers.
  • Extraction of oil and cake from the seeds
  • Distribution of oil and organic cake to the farmers at reasonable rate
  • Awareness on biofuel and demonstration of biodiesel synthesis
  • Awareness on green environment, global warming and water pollution
  • Guidance to UG and PG projects pertaining to biofuels
  • Hands on training on biodiesel synthesis
  • Biofuel plantation programmes in and around Mandya.

  • Help government to design and adopt biofuel programmes.
  • Implementation of programmes in line with KSBDB.
  • Identification of suitable land for raising biofuelcrops.
  • Raising of quality seedlings through Self Help Groups (SHGs), Village Forest Committees (VFCs).
  • To promote eco-friendliness and self-sufficiency amongfarmers and public through various biofuel activities.
  • Promotion of crops such as sugarcane, beet sugar, sweet sorghum, etc. as feedstock for ethanol production.
  • Establishment of seed collection network & centre.

  • Biodiesel plants with 1 litre and 50 litre capacities
  • Oil extractor
  • Pongamia seed decoticator
  • Flash and fire point apparatus
  • Copper corrosion test
  • Hot air oven

The following products are available at the centre at a reasonable rate

  • Biodiesel
  • Pongamia cake
  • Pongamiaoil
  • Biosoap
  • Phenyl
  • Soap oil
  • Solid waste manure

Under bioenergy webinar series we have conducted the following webinars

  • Current Status and Future Perspectives of Bioenergy, 6th April 2021
  • Bioethanol a Sustainable Energy Source: Prospects and Challenges, 18th November 2021

Already we have guidednumerous UG students’ projects on biofuels. Our ongoing projects are:

  • Generation of bio pesticides from Zimruba and Neem derrivatives.
  • Biogas generation through co-digestion of ruminant and non-ruminant animal wastes.
  • Evaluation of performance of different biodiesel blends

Aims and Objectives of Mandya District Bio fuel Information & Demonstration Centre

  • Help government design and adopt Bio fuel Programmes
  • Implementation of such programmes in tune with the policy
  • Identification of suitable land for raising Bio fuels Crops
  • Raising of quality seedlings through Self Help Groups (SHGs), Village Forest Committees (VFCs)
  • To ensure total participation of the communities
  • To create awareness among the farmers to adopt bio fuel activities for their additional income
  • Promotion of crops such as sugar cane, beet sugar, sweet sorghum, etc as feedstock for ethanol production
  • Establishment of seed collection network & centre
  • Programmes for value addition and usage of value added products in rural areas
  • Encouraging various research activities in the entire Bio fuel chain involving universities and research organization

We are going to collect bio fuel seeds like Pongamia, Simarouba, Neem, Mahu, Jathropa, Ashoka tree directly from farmers giving reasonable rate for this then we are crushing these seeds we will get oil and bio fuel cake. This bio fuel cake can use for agricultural purpose, act as a good manure. From this oil about 50lits of oil we undergone the process of Esterification & Trans esterification process by this the viscosity of the oil get reduced the final product Bio Diesel. This bio diesel is directly used as a fuel for different vehicles and blended with normal diesel. We are also generating Biodiesel from Used Cooking oil. We have tested with different proportions and observed the performance of engine & emission. We are selling diesel @ the cost of Rs. 65/=, But market rate is about Rs.78/=. Lot of peoples are using this bio diesel vehicle and every day peoples are purchasing this diesel. Apart from these farmers are using bio fuel cakes (Neem & Pongamia) for agricultural land. Around 100 liters of bio diesel is generated for a day. We also developed a small bio fuel park at our centre.

Already we have finished 76 UG students’ projects in different branches on bio fuel. Our next plan is to:

  • Study on removal of bitterness from bio fuel cake, so that it can be used as domestic animal fodder as well as fish fodder
  • Techniques to Removal of Nimbuddin from Neem oil, it is important medicinal value
  • Production of bio fuel soap
  • Production of bio fuel mosquito ripple
  • Identification of different seeds in and around Mandya dist. to get diesel
  • Conducting seminars, workshops in the field of bio fuel to update our knowledge
  • From Neem, Pongamia, Simaruba leaves we are preparing Nio Pesticider and Organic Mosquto reppler liquid
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