Other P.E.T. Institutions

Other P.E.T. Institutions

Institution Name URL
P.E.S. College of Science, Arts & Commerce, Mandya. https://pessacmandya.ac.in
Shankara Gowda College of Education, Mandya. https://sgcedmandya.ac.in
P.E.S P U College, Mandya. https://pespucollegemandya.org
P.E.T Post Graduate Center for Education and Research [M.Ed], Mandya.
P.E.S Law College, Mandya. https://www.peslawcollegemandya.com
P.E.S Evening College, Mandya.
P.E.S High School, Mandya.
Krishik Sarvodaya Foundation P.E.T Competitive Exam Training Center, Mandya. https://mandyakrushiksarvodaya.com