Master of Business Administration

Program Overview

The Post Graduate Department of Management Studies (PGDOMS) was established in the year 2009, with an intake of 60 students. Post Graduates management students from PESCE are highly desirable job candidates as they are self-directed, ethical and effective contributors in their academics. The department foresee the acumen in students to become managers and leaders of the global world.

MBA is a two-year full time course spread over four semesters. The program is duly approved by AICTE, New Delhi and affiliated to the VTU. The institution is accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA) and National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC). Besides, MBA Program is committed to provide the educational and corporate experiences required for professional competence.

It comprises of state of art physical infrastructure, departmental library with latest magazines and journals. The department thrives to cater the needs of the corporate world. The department makes a point to focus on each and every student’s upliftment in academia as well as personal wellbeing. The department conducts regular placement and training activities to make sure that students are employable. The various companies where our students are working comprises of Automobile, Capital goods, Health Care, Media. IT, Banking and Finance, Infrastructure, FMCG, Pharma, so on and so forth. The few companies to name few are like Accenture, Infosys, Janalakshmi, Accent HR, Earnest and Young, HGS, Axis Bank, Vtiger, Capgemini, Quest, Equitues and so on.

The department apart from emphasizing and imparting quality education also gives stress in quality research activities. The department is recognised as a research centre from VTU, Belagavi and University of Mysore for guiding students towards their PhD degree. The department regularly organizes industrial visits, Technical lectures by experts from industries and institutes in contemporary areas to bridge the gap between syllabi and current developments.

Total Intake


Program Type



2 Years


Develop responsible leaders through high quality management education, research and entrepreneurship contributing to business, society and environment


  • DM1: To provide management education to find solution to business problems by imparting analytical skills, knowledge and critical thinking abilities.
  • DM2: To inculcate leadership qualities, research culture and entrepreneurial skills for professional development with state of the art facility.
  • DM3: To accomplish professionals to communicate economic, legal, and ethical aspects of the business, society and environment.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

Graduates of the program will be able to

  • Demonstrate analytical skills and decision making skills among students.
  • Exhibit leadership and managerial qualities through working with cross functional teams.
  • Apply creativity through holistic knowledge for better understanding of Economic, legal and ethical aspects of the business, society and environment.

Program Outcomes (POs)

  • Apply knowledge of management theories and practices to solve business problems.
  • Foster Analytical and critical thinking abilities for data-based decision making.
  • Ability to develop Value based Leadership ability.
  • Ability to understand, analyze and communicate global, economic, legal, and ethical aspects of business.
  • Ability to lead themselves and others in the achievement of organizational goals, contributing effectively to a team environment.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

The Under Graduate (UG) of B.E Computer Science & Engineering Program has defined Program Specific Outcomes (PSO) which are listed below.

  • PSO-1: Ability to apply problem solving skills in developing solutions through fundamentals of Computer Science and Engineering.
  • PSO-2: Ability to apply Analytical Skills in the field of Data Processing Systems.
  • PSO-3: Ability to design and develop applications through Software Engineering methodologies and Networking Principles.

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Name of the Research Guide Phone Number Email-Id
Dr. Somashekar. P +91 99863 99572
Dr. Mahesh A S +919480431193
Dr. Aluregowda +91 9972802151
Dr. Kiran Kumar. A. C +91 8660279430

Name Guide Name Title of Research Date of Final Viva Completed
Pooja Nagpal Dr. A C Kiran Kumar Employee Engagement and Organisational Commitment 2/3/2021

Name Guide Name University/Research Center Topic Status
Suman T D Dr. Prakash B Rayalaseema University Course Work Completed
Mahendra Kumar B R Dr. Shivalinge Gowda M Mysuru University Course Work - On going

Research Guide Research Scholar Title Status
Dr. A C Kiran Kumar Mrs. Pooja Nagpal Employee Engagement and Organizational Commitment in Selected IT Firms Awarded 03rd April 2021
Dr. A C Kiran Kumar Mervin Felix Caleb An evaluation of Government of India policies and programmes for Rural Entrepreneurs with special reference to Mysore District Comprehensive completed
Dr. A C Kiran Kumar Kiran N G Customer Buying Behaviour and Purchase intention of Organic Products - A study with reference to Karnataka State Provisional Registration
Dr. A C Kiran Kumar Thirtha kumaroji rao C M A Study on Socio-Economic Impact of CMKKY (Chief Minister's Kaushalya Karnataka Youjana) on Unemployed Youths in Karnataka (Under Kaushalya Karnataka Mission) Provisional Registration
Dr. Somashekar P Jayanthi S Employee Engagement and Job satisfaction in Banking sector Provisional Registration
Dr. Somashekar P Supriya A R HRM & Innovative Work Behavior: The Moderating Effect of an Innovative Climate Provisional Registration
Dr. Somashekar P Shruthy Harita A R Analysis of Occupational Stress in Relation with Emotional Intelligence Provisional Registration
Dr. Aluregowda Sri. Asha. K.C. Digital service quality. A comparative study of select public and private sector banks. Completed Pre Registration
Dr. Aluregowda Mahadevaswamy R.M Impact of Microfinance on sustainable development goals: A study of select districts in Karnataka Completed Pre Registration
Dr. Aluregowda Pavana P.N A Study on Occupational Health and Safety measures of select Manufacturing sector in Karnataka Thesis Submitted
Dr. Aluregowda Momen Rashid Mustafa Abusada Prospects and Challenges of Implementing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems and E-Governance. A study of select Palestinian Organisation Completed Pre Registration
Dr. Aluregowda Sumanth B Monte-Carlo Simulation as a tool to predict future share prices: An empirical study of select stocks listed on the national stock exchange Completed Pre Registration
Dr. Aluregowda Raghu HN Price Prediction Using Supervised Machine Learning Techniques Completed Pre Registration

National / International JournalsClick Here

National / International ConferencesClick Here

Project Title Year Funding Agency Amount (Rs.) Status
Increasing Soil Carbon Percentage by Microbial Synergy 2020-21 Karnataka state council for science and technology 6,000 Completed
Extraction of oil from pongamiapinnata for use of bio fuel 2020-21 Karnataka state council for science and technology 10,000 Completed
Microfinance Initiatives for Financial Inclusion achieving through Empowering Rural Women and Poor 2021-22 AICTE 200,000 On-going
Plastic Disposer 2022-23 Karnataka state council for science and technology 4,000 On-going



A library is the heart of an academic institution. Apart from the main library a separate wing of the library is catering to the needs of our MBA Program, which is situated within the department. The library is a quite spacious one with large sitting capacities for the students. At present the library has collection of about 489 Titles with 3160 plus books including good collection of prescribed text books, reference books, etc. Hard copies of national & international journals are present in the library; apart from this students can also access Emerald for electronic journals through VTU consortium.

The link for the electronic journal Click Here

Details of Library Holdings as on 31-06-2023

Particulars Remarks
Carpet area of library (in sqm) 175
Number of users in reference section 40
Number of issues Average 25 issues per day
Number of users: reading 50+
Number of library staff with degree in Library Management 1
Computerization for search, indexing, issue/return records Yes. Automated with Koha software
Bar-coding used Yes, Implemented
Lib services on internet/intranet Yes. Provided on website
INDEST or other similar membership Archives Yes. Member of VTU consortium
During working day, weekend and vacation 10.00 AM to 5.00 PM Holiday
Number of library staff 1

Students can borrow up to three books on any day during the working hours including the lunch break period. The books issued can be retained for a period of 14 days. Apart from MBA Library the students can make use of Digital library at the main library and information centre from 8.00 AM to 8.00 PM. 24 systems are kept with internet connectivity facilitating access to lakhs of e-journals, e-books, thesis and other resources. It can accommodate 24 students at a time and students can make use of this lab for academic activities like browsing, preparation of journals and other works.

Departmental Achievements Click Here
Faculty Achievements Click Here
Students Achievements Click Here

Management Forum

The final year students visited Kaynes Technology India Limited Belagola food Industrial Area Metagalli Mysore to interact with various functional areas of company about product process and technology on 08.07.2023.

The final year students visited to Himavad Gopalswamy Temple (Hilltop Hindu temple featuring a shrine to Lord Krishna, plus views of Bandipura National Park)

The industrial visit to UNIBIC manufacturing unit was very eventful. It was 11th day of the June month in the year 2014. All the second-year students of masters of Business Administration (MBA) were eagerly waiting for the visit to UNIBIC manufacturing plant. all were uniformly dressed and headed towards the company. This visit was for the awareness of the students on the production and the automation process of the company. The students and the faculty that is DR. Alure Gowda, Head of department and Prof. Chethan MS, Assistant professor were welcomed by Mr. Jeevan RK, PRACTICO. The industry is located on Nelamangala, Bangalore. The industry produces biscuits and cookies. The company offers multi flavoured oatmeal, butter, chocolate chip, and sugar free cookies; chochos; and butter cashew, coconut, and jams cookies. It offers its products through retail stores in India, as well as exports its products to the Middle East and South East Asia. The company was incorporated in 2004 and is based in Bangalore, India. UNIBIC cookies operates as a subsidiary of Unibic Australia Pvt Ltd.

While coming back we just visited Savandurga hills, students climbed hills and enjoyed a lot. At last, the industrial visit end by filled with knowledge, happiness and satisfaction.


Post Graduation Department of Management Studies have state of arts infrastructure a separate building at the entrance of college campus with well equipped smart class rooms along with exclusive library and computer lab for the benefit of MBA students.

1. Smart Class Rooms

Department have smart rooms with green board and projectors. Smarts room have air conditioned conduction special lectures, workshop, FDP, training programs etc. The classrooms have comfortable individual chairs

2. Computer Lab

Department have Computer lab facility to train the students as a practical components of the program details of the equipments at lab given below. The computer lab has 30 seats personal computers for the smooth conduction of laboratory sessions with support of UPS server support.

3. Departmental Library

The departmental library has recent and advanced Management books, Business and Economic Magazines and Other Subscribed Magazines. Students, Research Scholar and Faculty can utilise the sources for studies, reference and research activities.

4. Innovative and Incubation Cell

The Innovative and Incubation cell has established in the department to encourage the entrepreneurship spirit among students. The cell constitutes to promote the ideas to business start up, Business plan, new product development in the field of business and Management.

5. Women Empowerment Cell

The world women day had been organised on 8th March 2019 for women faculty members and girls students of our college to empower the women to create the gender equal world. The theme of 2021 is “Let’s all choosing to Challenge”. We can choose the challenges without gender bias and to improve the women life in the work place

Facilities for the Faculty:

  • ISTE Faculty Chapter for Management activities
  • Personal computer provided for faculty members of the department
  • Encourage for Paper Publication, Conference and research activities
  • Wi-Fi Internet facility for browsing Management Journals
  • Hard Copies of online Journals
  • Transport and Canteen facility is made available

Facilities for Students:

  • ISTE Students Chapter for Management activities
  • Financial Assistance for Paper Publication, Conference and Research Activity
  • Internet Facility for browsing Management Journals
  • Hard copies of Online Journals
  • Sponsorship from various organisation for Projects
  • Transport and Canteen facility is made available

Departmental Building facilities

Particulars Numbers
Computer Lab MS - 101
Smart Room 1 MS - 102
HOB Chamber MS - 103
Smart Room 2 MS - 104
Office Room MS - 105
Staff Room 1 MS - 106
Lecture Hall 1 MS - 201
Lecture Hall 2 MS - 202
Lecture Hall 3 MS - 203
Lecture Hall 4 MS - 204
Women Empowerment Cell MS - 205
Staff Room 2 MS - 206
Library and Information Centre MS - 207
Newsletter ADAMYA-2024Click Here

Anusmaran 2024 - Alumni MeetClick Here

News Letter ADAMYA - 2023 Click Here

ANNUAL REPORT 2022-23Click Here

News Letter ADAMYA - 2022 Click Here

News Letter ADAMYA - 2021 Click Here

Anusmaran 2023 - Alumni Meet Click Here

Annual Report Click Here

Details of MOOCs taken by Students and FacultyClick Here