Computer Science & Business System

Program Overview

PESCE takes pride to launch in partnership with India’s leading IT Service and Consulting Company – TCS, an industry ready BE Programme titled Computer Science and Business Systems (CSBS) in Academic year 2023-2024 with an intake of 60, to cater to the rising need of engineering talent with skills in Business Systems. The state of-the-art programme aims to impart knowledge of cutting-edge technologies and business skills to help the students be industry-ready. Emphasizing hands-on learning through state-of-the-art facilities, industry partnerships, the department fosters a learning environment that nurtures technical proficiency, strategic thinking, and ethical leadership. Its commitment to research, collaboration, and professional development ensures that graduates are well-prepared to drive technological advancements and contribute meaningfully to both business and society. The Department bridges the gap between technology and business, offering a unique interdisciplinary education that prepares students for the multifaceted challenges of the digital age. The programme in collaboration with TCS aims to expose students not only to the core topics of Computer Science but also develop an equal understanding of humanities, human values and management sciences. The programme is an apt choice for students aspiring to be business leads in the IT industry.

Key Objectives

  • Integrating Business Principles with Computer Science education
  • Exploring Business Disciplines and Service Orientation
  • Fostering Innovative thinking and problem-solving skills
  • Upholding Strong Ethical Standards and Values in technology and business practices
  • Mastering Technology Abstraction
  • Receiving Expert Mentorship from TCS Professionals
  • Pursuing a High-Credibility, Multidisciplinary Course
  • Understanding Contemporary Technology
Highlights of CSBSClick Here

Total Intake(CS&E department)


Total Intake(CS&E (AI & ML))


Total Intake(CS&E (Data Science))


Total Intake(Computer Science & Business Systems )


Program Type



4 Years

Academic programs offered

UG Program

  • Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) with approved intake of 180 students and a lateral entry of 10% from 2nd year.
  • Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) in Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning) with approved intake of 60 students.

PG Program

  • M. Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering with approved intake of 18 students.
  • M.Sc. (Engineering) by research

Research Program

  • Ph.D.


"The Department of Computer Science and Engineering shall create professionally competent and socially responsible engineers capable of working in global environment."


  • DM1: Enforce best practices in teaching-learning, with dedicated faculty and supportive infrastructure to impart the knowledge in emerging technologies. {Required to create professionally competent engineers}.
  • DM2: Improve Industry-Institute relationship for mutual benefit. {Required to create professionally competent engineers}
  • DM3: Inculcate ethical values, communication and entrepreneurial skills. {Required to create professionally competent and socially responsible engineers}.
  • DM4: Sensitize social, legal, environmental and cultural diversity issues through professional training and balanced curriculum. {Required to create engineers capable of working in global environment}

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

Graduates of the program will be able to

  • Have Successful computer professional career in IT industry and related areas
  • Pursue higher education in engineering or management with the focus on intensive research and developmental activities.
  • Develop their career as entrepreneurs in a Responsible,Professional and ethical manner to serve the society

Program Outcomes (POs)

Engineering Graduates will be able to

  • Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  • Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
  • Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  • Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  • Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  • The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
  • Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
  • Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  • Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  • Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  • Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one's own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  • Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

The Under Graduate (UG) of B.E Computer Science & Business System Program has defined Program Specific Outcomes (PSO) which are listed below.

  • PSO-1: Ability to apply problem solving skills in developing solutions through fundamentals of Computer Science and Engineering.
  • PSO-2: Ability to apply Analytical Skills in the field of Data Processing Systems.
  • PSO-3: Ability to design and develop applications through Software Engineering methodologies and Networking Principles.

2021 - 2022 Academic Year

Odd SemesterClick Here

2020 - 2021 Academic Year

Even SemesterClick Here

Odd SemesterClick Here
Name of Technical Staff Designation Qualification Work Experience (Yrs.)
Deepthi raj C R SDA With Computer Operator (CBZ) 5 Months
Bhavya P Helper SSLC 8 Months
Student ListClick Here

Placement DetailsClick Here

Name of the Research Guide Phone Number Email-Id
Dr. M.C. Padma +91 9141113030
Dr. R Girisha +91 99452 12969
Dr. Minavathi +91-9845302882
Dr. Nagarathna +91 9481210125
Dr. Vinay S +91 9986515835
Dr. D.R.Umesh +91 9886160070
Dr. Mahesh Kaluti +91 7975767665

Name Guide Name Title of Research Date of Final Viva Completed
Puttegowda D Dr. M.C. Padma Automatic Event Classification using Video Mining Algorithms Jan- 2017
Prathibha R.J Dr. M.C. Padma Development of Morphological stemmer, analyzer and generator for Kannada nouns April- 2018
Mohammed Ahmed Ali Abdu Alrhman Dr. M.C. Padma Design of Robust Concept Drift adoption Strategies for High Speed Data Stream Mining. May- 2019

Name Guide Name University/Research Center Topic Status
R.S.Prasanna kumar Dr S N Thimmaraju VTU Course work Completed
Veena M. Dr. M.C. Padma VTU Comprehensive Viva Completed
Girish Babu Dr. M.C. Padma VTU Comprehensive Viva Completed
Suraj B S Dr. M.C. Padma VTU Registered and preparing for course work
Ramyashree H P Dr. Minavathi VTU Comprehensive Viva Completed
Deepika Dr. Nagarathna VTU course work Completed
Shwetha M K Dr. Nagarathna VTU Registered and preparing for course work
Chaitra B P Dr. M L Anitha VTU Registered and preparing for course work
V Chethan kumar Dr. Umesh D R VTU Registered and preparing for course work
Shruthi P S Dr. Umesh D R VTU Registered and preparing for course work
C Chethana Dr. Deepu singh VTU Registered and preparing for course work
Bhavya D Dr D S Vinod JSS,Mysore course work completed
Jayshankar IIT,varanasi course work completed
Yoga B S IIT,Roorkie Registered

Research Scholar Title Status Details Link
Mrs. Manasa K.N Framework for Analyzing the Intensity of Sentiments in Social Media Registered and preparing for course work Click here for more

Detailed Publication ReportClick Here

Application Number Title Faculty Status
No. 201741020992 AI based Inventory Management system & method thereof Dr. R Girisha Published
No. 201741020994 Electronic processing of paper invoices Dr. R Girisha Published
No. 201741020993 System & method for automatic data management between user devices Dr. R Girisha Published
No. 201741020991 A Method & system for Business Intelligence Analytic Dr. R Girisha Published
No. 201741020994 Electronic processing of paper invoices Dr. R Girisha Published
No. 201741021216 A system & method for buying & selling goods Dr. R Girisha Published

Project Title Year Funding Agency Amount (Rs.) Status
Establishing the Internet of Things (IoT) Laboratory for Post Graduate and Research programs June 2016 VGST 20 Lakhs Sanctioned
Business Incubator- Support for Entrepreneurial and Managerial Development of SMEs through Incubators January 2017 MSME, Govt. of India 6.25 lakhs for each project Sanctioned
Setting up Network Forensic lab under VGST August 2017 VGST 20 Lakhs Sanctioned

Network Forensic

Network forensics is a subfield of digital forensics where evidence is captured from networks and interpretation is substantially based on knowledge of cyber attacks. It aims to locate the attackers and reconstruct their attack actions through analysis of intrusion evidence. Major technical challenges facing network forensics analysis: Current sources of intrusion evidence such as IDS alerts are not well adapted for forensics investigation. Cyber attacks are increasingly sophisticated. Short response times. Major objectives of network forensics analysis can be summarized into two fundamental problems: attack group identification and attack scenario reconstruction. Attack scenario reconstruction is the process of inferring step-wise actions taken by the attacker to achieve his malicious objective. Attack group identification is the task of discovering the group of hosts involved in the attack and determining the roles of each host in the group.

The main objectives of our proposed project are

  • Detection of TCP SYN flooding
  • Detection of UDP flooding
  • Estimation of Throughput of the network
  • Filtering of Packets
  • Detection of Routing Protocol
  • Finding Round Trip Time

Getting other application protocol details for analysis like DNS-protocol This project concentrates on taking care of Deformed Packets with appropriate flags, Aggregation and reassembly of packets. It is not dependent on NIC and it is a Hardware engine. Thus there Tuning intrusion prevention and detection solutions

Data Science

Data Science is a subject of Computer Science aimed at building machines and computers that can enhance logical operations. AI systems have the ability to execute tasks naturally associated with human intelligence, like speech recognition, decision-making, visual perception, and translating languages.

Machine Learning is one of the widely used algorithms of AI. The learning process involves the enhancement of new declarative knowledge, the advancement of cognitive and motor skills through practice or instruction. Since the beginning of the computer era, researchers and scientists have been trying to implant such abilities in computers. Solving this issue has been, and remains, most fascinating and challenging long-term goal in AI.

Some of the applications of Data Science are as follows:

Natural Language Processing

NLP is a method in which computers are made to understand, execute and manipulate human language. To reach this goal, a computer should be able to “understand” a large amount of data – from grammar syntax and rules to various accents and colloquialisms. Whereas a speech recognition system, for example, manual speech becomes audio data, which then turns into text data, a complex process itself. This text data can be implemented in an “intelligent” system for different applications such as controlling devices or translators.

Computer Vision

Computer vision is the science of manipulating or understanding videos and images. It has many applications, comprising of augmented reality, autonomous driving and industrial inspection. The implementation of deep learning for computer vision can be differentiated into many categories: detection, generation, segmentation and classification, both in videos and images.

Financial Services

Companies in the financial sector are able to identify key insights in financial data as well as prevent any occurrences of financial fraud, with the help of machine learning technology. The technology is also used to identify opportunities for investments and trade. Usage of cyber surveillance helps in identifying those individuals or institutions which are prone to financial risk, and take necessary actions in time to prevent fraud.

Marketing and Sales

Companies are using machine learning technology to analyze the purchase history of their customers and make personalized product recommendations for their next purchase. This ability to capture, analyze, and use customer data to provide a personalized shopping experience is the future of sales and marketing.


Government agencies like utilities and public safety have a specific need FOR Ml, as they have multiple data sources, which can be mined for identifying useful patterns and insights. For example sensor data can be analyzed to identify ways to minimize costs and increase efficiency. Furthermore, ML can also be used to minimize identity thefts and detect fraud.


With the advent of wearable sensors and devices that use data to access health of a patient in real time, ML is becoming a fast-growing trend in healthcare. Sensors in wearable provide real-time patient information, such as overall health condition, heartbeat, blood pressure and other vital parameters. Doctors and medical experts can use this information to analyze the health condition of an individual, draw a pattern from the patient history, and predict the occurrence of any ailments in the future. The technology also empowers medical experts to analyze data to identify trends that facilitate better diagnoses and treatment.


Based on the travel history and pattern of traveling across various routes, machine learning can help transportation companies predict potential problems that could arise on certain routes, and accordingly advise their customers to opt for a different route. Transportation firms and delivery organizations are increasingly using machine learning technology to carry out data analysis and data modeling to make informed decisions and help their customers make smart decisions when they travel.

Oil and Gas

This is perhaps the industry that needs the application of machine learning the most. Right from analyzing underground minerals and finding new energy sources to streaming oil distribution, ML applications for this industry are vast and are still expanding.

Proposed Data Science will be set up at the institute level and it can be used by students or faculty members of any engineering department. AI and ML have varied applications across different engineering streams.

Internet of Things

Center of Excellence on Internet of Things (IoT) is established for carrying out projects and research work by Undergraduate/Post Graduate students and Research students/faculties at Department of Computer Science and Engineering, PES College of Engineering, Mandya. The above said laboratory has the overall goal of identifying and providing solutions for the real life problems and also research problems. As an outcome of the established laboratory, a number of projects on Internet of Things were developed by a number of talented UG/PG students. Some team members are working in collaboration with different start- up companies/ practitioners to address the real life problems and to give solutions for the societal issues.

Various components used for developing a number of projects on different types of problems are given below. 1. Gold pack of Zolertia Device ( 10 no’s ) 2. Zolertia gateway 3. Arduino UNO R3 board with DIP ATmega328P 4. Arduino Yun 5. Arduino Ultrasonic Range Finder Module Sensor Distance Measuring Transducer 6. Microphone sound sensor module 7. MQ-7 Carbon Monoxide Detection Sensor 8. Ethernet W5100 Shield Network Expansion Board w/ Micro SD Card Slot 9. Electronic Components {Bread boards, Jumper, cables, LED's, Resistors, Capacitors, Transistors} 10. Finger-clip Heart Rate Sensor with shell 11. Serial Camera Kit 12. PIR Motion Sensor - Large Lens version 13. GSR sensor 14. GPS Module 15. EMG Detector 16. Wind Speed/ Direction Sensor 17. Fingerprint Sensor 18. Water Flow Sensor 19. Adult reusable NIBP cuff 20. Raspberry Pi 2 Model B 1GB 21. Soil moisture sensor 22. Water level switch 23. Flame Sensor

Methodology 1. Internet of Things (IoT) Laboratory has been established with the required facilities for implementing the projects on various problems chosen from the societal issues. 2. Interaction with various experts from different start-up companies/ practitioners to address the real life problems. 3. Best possible solutions are developed by using the equipments in the Internet of Things (IoT) Laboratory. 4. Challenges in developing solutions for some more realistic problems are the focus of forthcoming days. Outcome: A number of projects on Internet of Things are developed by a number of talented UG and PG students.

Number of Faculty Completed NPTEL CoursesClick Here

Academic year 2022 - 23Click Here

Academic year 2021 - 22Click Here

Academic year 2020 - 21Click Here

Academic year 2019 - 20Click Here